Please forgive my delay in grabbing
hold of 2010. I’ve been on a long, and long-overdue, vacation to New Zealand and Australia, and I’ll be sharing some of my movie-related experiences and pictures with you in the weeks to come. (Here’s a teaser: a detail from an incredible movie palace I visited in Auckland.) I’m also learning to become a blogger, which is very different from maintaining a quiet website, which I’ve done for the last decade. Sometimes weeks would go by without an update, because I was…
busy with deadlines and didn’t have the time or brain-power to write an essay and gather pictures to go with it. Now I have to adopt the habit of creating shorter, more current blog posts–and I will. Longtime readers will have to adapt to a new viewing format, I realize, but if I can accept change, I hope you can, too. The content will be broken up into smaller pieces; the categories will remain the same, so if you’re only interested in reviews, you can click the links to your left: Current Film Reviews, DVD reviews, Book Reviews, and Music on CD reviews. My general thoughts, and coverage of current events, will be part of my Journal. And we’ve maintained the old toolbar (above) for those of you who prefer to navigate the site that way.
One thing that hasn’t changed is my policy of only posting positive reviews. With limited time at hand, I’d rather not waste any of it on junk, be it a big-screen release, a DVD, or a book.
January is a quiet month for some people, but there’s a lot happening here in Hollywood: the annual AFI Awards luncheon on Friday (I was a juror again this year), the Los Angeles Film Critics Association dinner on Saturday, a special event held by the Disney-centric National Film Fantasy Convention on Saturday afternoon (at which I’m being presented their first Legacy Award) and much more. I’m also about to start my thirteenth year of teaching at the USC School of Cinematic Arts on Thursday night, with two special guests I’ll tell you about after the fact. Stay tuned for more from me.