Behold the “test slab,” perched on the refreshment counter in the lobby of Grauman’s Chinese Theater. The people who supervise this beloved Hollywood ceremony have perfected a formula over many years’ time to create commemorative pieces that will stand up to wear and tear. If you’ve never read Stacey Endres and Robert Cushman’s definitive history of the theater and its world-famous ceremony, Hollywood at Your Feet (Pomegranate Press, 1992) you can readily find used copies online, and I encourage you to do so.
Robert’s mother looks on proudly from the sidelines. That’s Iron Man (and Iron Man 2) director Jon Favreau just behind her. |
Phase one is complete as Robert's messy hands prove! |
The Grauman’s people coach Robert as he carefully writes his name having flopped his necktie over his shoulder. |
The final stage: standing for several minutes in wet cement! |
And here is the finished product! |
Robert and his wife Susan pose for pictures. |