I feel I owe it to you, my loyal readers, to apologize for not being able to review the major new releases like Pixar’s Inside Out. I’m afraid the viral infection that has attacked my system is still doing its dirty work and is taking its sweet time going away; in spite of the vigilance of my doctors and a lot of pharmaceuticals. The result is an overall fatigue which makes it difficult to focus on anything for long.
I’ve only left the house a couple of times—to host last weekend’s Musicians at Play concert in Santa Monica, which I didn’t want to miss, and to record this week’s Maltin on Movies podcast, a special Father’s Day edition with my daughter Jessie joining Baron Vaughn and me.

Courtesy of Wolfpop
Each of these efforts has taken its toll and sends me back to sleep—although there is something lovely about a long midday nap.
I’m doing my best to find material to post here on the site but it pains me to miss out on the high-profile movies that are opening this month. I hope to get back up to speed sometime soon, although my doctors keep telling me that recovery is going to be a lengthy process.
Thanks for all of your messages and good wishes. I’m down but I’m not out, so stay tuned.