It’s impossible to be blasé when I’m in a sea of famous faces. My weekend began by interviewing Glenn Close at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival on Sunday (where she received the Maltin Modern Master Award, so named because I’ve conducted these interviews for nearly 30 years).

This was followed by Monday’s Oscar nominee luncheon, an oasis in the chaotic award season that I’m privileged to attend. Seeing each nominee walk up, accept their certificate and join their peers on the bleachers is truly something special. I am nobody’s idea of a great photographer, but it’s fun to take snapshots just the same; here are some of my favorites from this year’s gathering.

multi-award favorite Alfonso Cuaron, and seven-time nominee Glenn Close taketheir places on the bleachers for this year’s “class photo.”

first person to share the bleachers with a giant Oscar

Best Supporting Actor for Can You Ever Forgive Me?, seen here with an
equally buoyant Spike Lee

winner Rachel Weisz

graciously posed for my camera: Regina King and Mahershala Ali

Christian Bale looked like himself again, posing with Sibi Blazic luncheon